I don’t know if I’m an Invigilator anymore. I don’t even know if we can have an Invigilator in a Block with no Tower. But, no matter my official role, I will continue to act as a leader in this Block.
I left in the middle of the last community meeting because my home had been destroyed by people who seemed to show no remorse. Not only my home, but the homes and offices of dozens and dozens of people who have dedicated years to the service of this Block and all of you in it. I admit that my departure was unprofessional, but I hope you will forgive me for it, or at least understand it.
You might not like Psychopomp or me, despite every effort we have made to help you, but I hope you will spare a thought for all the Administrators, Guides, and Technicians who have suffered from this act of terrorism. I hope you will spare a thought for the Farm which was destroyed by the blast and will take time to rebuild. I hope you will spare a thought for the people amongst us who have been deeply emotionally affected by this fundamental change in the structure of our Block.
An act like destroying the Tower has consequences, as we are all unfortunately discovering. The Threshold and the people within it are intimately linked – by damaging the Block, the physics of the space has been altered. Buildings feel like they’re in the wrong places even though they aren’t, corridors seem as if they will never end, the streets have an uncanny air. This has been made even worse by the destruction of O Fortuna yesterday.
I hope that the construction projects to rebuild the damaged areas of our Block, such as the current effort to clear the rubble at the base of the Tower and plant a green space there, will return things to their normal state. I’m grateful to all the citizens who are organising projects like this, and I’ll do my best to ensure that you receive support from the Technicians who are still willing to work.
Together, we can restore the beauty of the Block we all call home. I believe in the people of Block 2845. I hope that you will believe in me in return.
– Charlie
An additional notice is pinned below the most recent bulletin. A new chapter to an essay first published the fortnight prior, which also makes it to your email inbox as the previous one did.