====== Housing Announcement ====== Mis amigos, another two weeks have passed us by. And so I have the pleasure once again to give you an update on the state of Block 2845. Normally I would have a new order of housing arrangements to announce, but after the request made in our previous meeting, the ranking has been successfully removed. I have been asked to give you all a reminder that the system was set up this way to give a feeling of progress towards your ascension. With this in mind, I want to encourage you all not to let this loss of structure affect you negatively. I hope that you will be able to show our Invigilators that this is a change for the better! I must also mention that while the merit-based assignment is not in effect, there is still a fixed amount of housing that would be ranked as Ascendant and Standard that is less than the number of citizens we have to accommodate. The current assignment of rooms will stay for now; anyone who is willing to volunteer to accept a Stagnant tier accommodation while the Technicians work on equalising the room quality should say so to any Psychopomp official. There is no pressure to do this I hope, but it is a kindness we will do our best to enable should anyone make such an offer. -- Diego de Mendoza ====== Other News ====== I will take the personal liberty to inform you here that the recent abseiling activity has been a great success. I wish to thank those of you that chose to attend, and I hope that those of you that did not recall new memories will have enjoyed the experience even so. I hope to arrange more adventurous activities in the near future also, as recent attempts have had great effect on returning lost memories lately. If you find yourself inspired to try something new of this nature, or in general, please remember that my door is always open! In less encouraging news, I regret to inform you all that there has been a fire in the library. Thankfully no one has been injured, but some books appear to have been lost in the fire. Accidents like this - they happen on some rare occasions when proper care is not taken. We may not die here but, as we are well aware, we do not need to die to encounter great pain so take care to be sensible with any sources of flame around flammable materials like this if you can. There are less worrying events that have taken place recently too - we have had three more ascensions since we last convened. Emmota, Celeste O’Mórdha and Telesto Adrasteia are the most recent citizens to move on from the Threshold. They all have my belated congratulations and I hope more of us will soon follow in their footsteps. Finally, attached to the end of this bulletin is a transcript provided by Jude of the phone call to the superiors at Psychopomp that she and others attended in the Tower this week. I hope that those of you that gave your questions to those in attendence to pass on will be understanding of the answers they received for you. I hope to hear good news from you all at our next meeting which rapidly approaches. And if you have any concerns at all, I encourage you to speak to Jenny, Shadow, myself, or any of our Guides about it; we will do our best to assist you as we can. ====== The Phone Call Transcript ====== === Events of Week ...386329391856482104857291905838499249275802293 [further numbers have been redacted for sake of brevity] === === Phonecall with Operative, attended by: Truth’s Light Casts Darkest Shadows, Titus Wolfson, Jude, Charlie Show & Kessler Jones === === Transcript written by Citizen Jude. Formalised and published by Invigilator Charlie Show === **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** This is Operative Please state the nature of your issue, so that I can transfer you to the appropriate channel. Please be as direct as possible: time may be infinite, but there’s none to be wasted. **//Charlie//:** We have a group of citizens here who would like to ask you some questions. **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** I see! Well, I’m Keres, what can I do for you folk? **//Titus//:** Who are the higher-ups in the Threshold? And by extension, how are they appointed? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** The higher-ups? Well I suppose that depends on how high up you’re talking: Psychopomp is ultimately responsible for all humankind, from all historical points, places and evolutions, so our official system is involved. Officials such as the Invigilators, Technicians and operatives such as I are simply people who certain authorities believed possessed the appropriate skillset for a role, and appointed as such. Those who operate with more ‘authority’, are voted in by officials, although certain individual’s votes do carry more power. **//Titus//:** But who are those people? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** A guiding force. Whereas Invigilators guide you each personally, the ‘higher ups’ that you refer to try to guide the blocks more broadly, implementing amendments to our systems, to the advice and training we provide Invigilators, Guides and Technicians. More authority means carrying more responsibility, not power. **//Titus//:** Does responsibility not mean power? If it comes with making judgement calls for so many people.” **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** I wouldn’t call it power, when they can reap no benefit from their actions. Psychopomp maintains a system, but, unlike say, 21st century Earth where politicians would directly benefit from their own economic policies, garnering wealth and privilege, the best Psychopomp can ask for is the quick passing of souls. **//Shadow//:** If the goal is passing along souls, then who designed the current system? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** That’s rather like asking who designed any government, it can’t be pinned to a sole individual. No, it's been developed over time, responding to issues and ideas as they arise. We all have a part in the operation of Psychopomp’s system. **//Jude//:** That’s not much of an answer, you have something more concrete than that, no? Someone up at the top. Or does the system run on love? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** On love? No. We do have a leader of sorts, but I have to admit that he is something above my clearance. He’s half a myth: one man responsible for an infinite number of people and contingencies. Psychopomp, well it’s vast, there’s enough levels up in the hierarchy that, past a certain point the people disappear into mist. I don’t know that anyone knows all of the system. Aside from him, I suppose. **//Titus//:** And why do the citizens of the blocks not know about this? Why are we given so little information?” **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** It is not supposed to matter to you. Your focus is meant to be inward, on pursuing your Ascension. You aren’t supposed to be here long enough to start asking these questions. They distract you from what matters. **//Jude//:** If our focus is supposed to be ascension, how about you explain what that actually is? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** Oh you know what ascension is. That is hardly a secret: ascension is what happens when you have resolved any internal issues, your ‘unfinished business’. With nothing holding you back, or tethering you harmfully to your mortal life, you are able to leave this realm and ‘move on’ to what comes next– it is the goal of Psychopomp to facilitate this. **//Shadow//:** Certain citizens have requested that I ask questions on their behalf, as such: does Psychopomp have any relation or understanding of Divinity? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** Psychopomp itself is a human enterprise, we aren’t connected to a certain religion or creed. However, this does not discount the variety of beliefs possessed by the citizens of the blocks. Psychopomp encourages all citizens to interact with faith as feels beneficial to them. **//Jude//:** So, why does the Threshold exist? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** It just does. Why did Earth exist? All we know is that everyone here suffers from some pitfall of mortal life and we support you in coping with that.” **//Shadow//:** Then where does your power come from? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** We do not claim power over you. There has to be order in the system, in the Threshold, else it would fall to anarchy and you would never ascend, but we don’t control you. We wield little power. **//Shadow//:** This structure feels like one of control so if that’s not the case then what’s the reasoning behind it? The Invigilators hold complete responsibility over each block. Why set things up to have them in charge, yet give no apparent oversight? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** Now, to answer your question, the Invigilators exist because we cannot care about every single person. An infinite number of people comes with an infinite number of problems, of needs, of desires and issues: the only way for us to ensure that everyone is supported is to have people on the ground, getting to know you. Your belief that there is no ‘oversight’, I am afraid comes from a point of ignorance. It seems to me that, for whatever reason, you are choosing to assume the worst of Psychopomp at every turn, but we are fundamentally a charity trying to free you of the things that cause you pain. **//Shadow//:** What gives you the right to decide what is ‘right’ and what ‘wrong’? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** We do not decide ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. The judgement calls made by your Invigilators are focused on where you put your attention. If we believe you are distracting yourself, avoiding ascension driven pursuits then it is discouraged, if you are focused, you are rewarded. Your morality is your own issue, your ascension ours. **//Jude//:** So how do you influence ascension at all? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** That’s simple. We don’t. Psychopomp does not dictate who ascends, we do not influence ascension, we influence you. Invigilators guide you toward things they believe will help you address what you left unfinished in life, all with the hope that, from it, you will ascend. **//Shadow//:** And what happens to people that don’t ascend? **//Operative ‘Keres’//:** You all ascend. These are answers I have no doubt that your Invigilators are capable of having given you. That is one of the fundamental facts of the Threshold. I do not think anyone is benefitting from this call, nor will further questions precipitate any beneficial consequence. Invigilators, please have your dependents exit the room, then return. That I have received this call suggests you have operated with a lack of protocol that demands discussion. ===Transcription Ends Here.===